all postcodes in PL11 / TORPOINT

find any address or company within the PL11 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL11 3AA 0 50.371188 -4.25086
PL11 3AB 3 50.370124 -4.251485
PL11 3AD 1 50.366515 -4.250189
PL11 3AE 0 50.371366 -4.251909
PL11 3AF 0 50.3698 -4.252862
PL11 3AG 0 50.361245 -4.238736
PL11 3AH 0 50.370172 -4.255495
PL11 3AJ 0 50.365817 -4.255542
PL11 3AL 0 50.360971 -4.261948
PL11 3AN 0 50.361421 -4.254053
PL11 3AP 0 50.36094 -4.23796
PL11 3AQ 1 50.369537 -4.253426
PL11 3AR 0 50.361225 -4.236722
PL11 3AS 0 50.359917 -4.236941
PL11 3AT 0 50.359664 -4.2363
PL11 3AU 0 50.358407 -4.228898
PL11 3AW 1 50.360852 -4.239041
PL11 3AX 6 50.353043 -4.23375
PL11 3AY 0 50.354391 -4.254803
PL11 3AZ 0 50.357366 -4.269678